I have been excited about the upcoming release of the latest build of WordPress since the first survey and when they first officially announced it. After taking a look at this preview video, I really have to say that the anticipation was deserving.

The release will be just around the corner, and the development blog has posted this preview video (or trailer as they call it) to whet the appetite of ardent WordPress users.

I’m really looking forward to the new snazzy interface, especially the AJAX-ish drag-and-drop dashboard AND the post screen. The ability to moderate comments from the dashboard is especially godsent.

Can’t wait until it’s released this Monday!

Update (10/11/2008): It seems the update will come out late after all. In an update to the above post, the WordPress team stated that:

A note on timing: WordPress 2.7 was originally scheduled to be released on WordPress.org for download on November 10th. WordPress.com would have had it installed as soon as possible thereafter. However, the launch date has been delayed due to some additional complexity and our determination to test all the new features with current users before releasing the updated software. 2.7 is expected to be released on WordPress.org by the end of November. We may be able to bring 2.7 to WordPress.com blogs slightly before the official launch date, but for now, no dates have been finalized. When we have a fixed date, we will announce it on this blog, so you all will have plenty of notice of the upcoming change.

p.s: Users of WordPress.org can already try the beta here.